Wednesday 1 May 2019

How organic matter breaks down in the soil to make humus:soil carbon pathways

When plants and animals die in the soil the soil organisms such as earthworms, woodlice, slugs, snails as well as the bacteria and fungi use the organic matter as food. The carbon in dead plants and animals is broken down in a number of different ways but two main stages are evident:

1.      the cellular structure and recognised organic substances and minerals in the decomposing organism disintegrate and become unrecognisable as big molecules are broken down to smaller ones.
           totally new combinations of these broken-down products develop. It is defined as humus when it becomes impossible to distinguish what the original material came from. So humus is an amorphous mix of black or brown gel-like substances of high molecular weight modified from the original tissues by various soil organisms.

There seem to be two main methods by which humus is made in soils
Process 1. The decomposition of organic materials such as cellulose and starch from crop residues and manure. Soil invertebrates eat detritus (dead plants and animals) and make the particles smaller for bacteria to work on, first by breaking them down, then by building them up slowly into humus. An alternative to this is the decomposition of woody organic material such as lignin in crop residues and compost by white rot fungi. Then the products are eventually built up by bacteria into humus.

Organic matter decomposition and formation.  Ankush J

Process 2. Carbon compounds which have been exuded by plant root are used by certain soil fungi which produce mycorrhiza. These form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. The mycorrhiza use these sugar exudates to make glomalin, a major component of decomposing organic matter and this will eventually be built up into humus.

The process of humus formation through decomposition of organic matter is not very efficient at building humus in soils. Of 100 g of organic matter that is added to the soil maybe 60-80g will be converted back to carbon dioxide by the invertebrates and the bacteria, 3-8 g will be taken up by bacteria to help them to grow, 3-8 g used to make other plant organic compounds and possibly 10-30 g used to make humic compounds.

It is known that around 40% of the sugars made by photosynthesis in plants leaks out of the roots. This can be used by mycorrhizal fungi, some of which invade the plant roots. These fungi supply many nutrients including up to 90% of the plant's nitrogen and phosphorus requirements, plus calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron, as well as essential trace elements such as zinc, boron, copper, cobalt, molybdenum and manganese. They often supply water as well - all in exchange for liquid carbon! (Smith, 2008). So these mycorrhiza effectively increase the coverage of the plant’s root system in the soil and can make the plant much more efficient at absorbing plant nutrients (particularly phosphate) from the soil solution.

Mycorrhizal hyphae colonising the roots of a pine seedling. 

As the mycorrhiza grow they produce a protective surface coat of glomalin, a glycoprotein (protein containing a plant sugar). The glomalin drops off into the soil where it acts as a "super glue," helping sand, silt and clay particles stick to each other as pea sized lumps called aggregates. The small spaces between the aggregates help rainwater to move through the soil more easily. Moisture is absorbed in these aggregates which is protected from evaporation, but the mycorrhiza are able to access this water and supply it direct to the plant roots at times of water shortage. It is substantially due to the gel-like substance of glomalin that it is often stated that 1 kg of humus can hold 4-20 times its own weight of water. And it helps us to understand that soils rich in humus will have a good structure, improved water holding capacity, enhanced infiltration and drainage and enhanced nutrient exchange capacities
Glomalin also stores approximately 25-33% of the total soil carbon and can last in the soil for 7-40 years as part of the soil active fraction.  At some stage the glomalin is either respired to carbon dioxide if the soil is dug, or is converted to humus if the soil is not dug and there are plenty of mycorrhizal fungi in the soil.  

It seems that the process of making humus in soils through the activity of mycorrhizal fungi in process 2 is more efficient than soils which make humus by process 1 because soils that have not been dug generally have higher humus levels.

Another benefit of soils which have abundant mycorrhiza, glomalin and humus is that they have a markedly increased resistance to climate variability.

HCF's has a policy of feeding the soil by adding lots of animal manure and as much compost as is available. However as this article suggests this method is not very effective at converting soil organic matter to humus and may not actually increase soil carbon levels if other farming practices such as digging and leaving the soil bare destroy soil carbon.
Most of the cultivated plots at HCF are likely to be acutely short of mycorrhiza as digging or rotivating breaks up the hyphal strands and disrupts their relatively slow growth. Furthermore our practice of leaving the soil bare and plant free for several months of the year means that during this period the mycorrhiza have no living plants to exchange nutrients with and so decline. One of the challenges for us at HCF is to work out how we can help to develop mycorrhizal growth in the vegetable plots. Maybe we should think more clearly about planting winter cover crop?

Organic matter decomposition and formation.  Ankush J
Mycorrhizal hyphae colonising the roots of a pine seedling. Aberdeen mycorrhiza Research Group

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